Saturday, February 7, 2009

We the people competition

This is Noah's We the People team. It is a class at his high school, kind of like a debate team but about the constitution. There are six units and each one is about a different subject. The judges give each unit a question and then the students give a speech. After the speech they t the judges ask questions about their speech and their  original question. If you ask me it is quite boring. The only fun part was going to Sacramento and the state capital. Well any way, their school made it to state along with 11 other schools. Then they made it into the top finals with three other schools. The weird part is that you aren't allowed to see any other schools so you don't know how they did.
This is our state capital where Noah competed at the finals against three other schools. Their school took 4th place at State.

This is a statue at California's state Capital 

1 comment:

Seth and Emry Gubler said...

Wow! What a neat experience!